Hiring great people takes effort. Retaining and training? Even more. So when you have the opportunity to streamline the process with systems (especially when you can increase employee engagement by 18% and knowledge retention by up to 60%), you jump on board.

In 2016, Nurse Next Door teamed up with Learnkit to offer a customized online onboarding program for our Franchise Partners. ELearning platforms provide digital education tools that organizations can use to help train and develop employees. Ever since we introduced Learnkit, it’s become a complete resource for Franchise Partners and has improved caregiver engagement and retention.

home care franchise

We spoke to our Hamilton, Ontario Franchise Partner, Tamara Jones, about her experience with eLearning. Here are four ways it has become a total game-changer for both Franchise Partner and team:

The training is consistent, centralized, and customizable:

Consistency is key for Tamara because it ensures all of her caregivers receive the same training. And because it’s a franchise, teams across the system are also getting the same information, which strengthens the brand across the board.

Employees can access it anywhere, at any time:

Training modules are available any time of day, so employees can access it on a schedule that works for them. Some of Tamara’s caregivers use it on their phones. “If they need to repeat an exercise or want to access it at 4 am, nothing is missed and they can be in control.”

The program adapts to multiple learning styles:

Caregiver Morgan Moodie appreciates that she can either read or listen to each presentation. “It’s clear and straightforward, explains the brand, and how the whole company works together while integrating Nurse Next Door’s core values,” she says. Tamara agrees:  “No one wants to sit for four hours and listen to me talk!”

It frees up time for Franchise Partners:

With eLearning technology supporting team on-boarding, it allows Tamara to focus on getting clients, making new contacts, or connecting with old ones. “I can spend more time doing things that I feel affect my bottom line, rather than on training.”

Overall, Tamara is a fan of the technology. “Employees can be in control, it’s inclusive, and eLearning is just the beginning. There are endless opportunities to provide a consistent level of training across the Nurse Next Door system. It means you can receive care in Hamilton or Texas and get the same great experience.”

Caregiver Morgan agrees. “eLearning helps me do my job better by making it easier to understand the brand and core values while taking a holistic care approach with our clients. I can be the nurse that I’ve always wanted to be. There are so many opportunities to grow and learn through Nurse Next Door, and it makes me excited for the future.”

Want to know more about our eLearning program and how we help Franchise Partners with hiring and training? Connect with us at 1-888-439-0561 and jump on a free Discovery Call.